Show Notes
- Podcast Awards
- @rothgar nominate Flipping Tables for best gaming podcast
- Speedrunner Sets New World Record for Fastest Time in Super Mario World
- BlackBerry CEO Wants Legislators To Make Developing BlackBerry Apps Mandatory
- Exclusive: politicians are supporting Comcast's TWC merger with letters ghostwritten by Comcast
- Tweetbot for Mac falls victim to token limit, gets pulled from App Store
- PaperLike: 13.3″ E Ink Monitor
- New amazing metal is so hydrophobic it makes water bounce like magic
- Google Is Said To Be Preparing Its Own Mobile Wireless Service
- Today Is The Last Day To Buy Google Glass
- Ok Glass, Write a Review
- Opportunity, Google Glass, and Cadavers
- Hands-on: Microsoft’s HoloLens is flat-out magical